How to Stop Texting a Guy Obsessively: A Step-by-Step Guide

Qasim Adam
6 min readDec 26, 2021


Photo by Shingi Rice on Unsplash

Are you obsessed with texting a guy?

It can be really hard to stop texting someone, especially if you’re in the early stages of dating. You might text him all day long and wonder why he hasn’t texted back yet. Or maybe you’ve been on one date with this person but are already wondering when he is going to ask for your number or contact information.

If these scenarios sound familiar, then it sounds like you need some boundaries set up so that you don’t come across as too eager or desperate.

The best way to stop yourself from doing this is by setting boundaries and not responding until he does so first. This will make things less awkward between the two of you because there won’t be any pressure for either party to respond right away.

If he doesn’t text back within 24 hours after your last message, it may be time to move on. He may not be interested in pursuing anything more than what was established during the initial meeting/date/conversation, etc.

And if that’s how he feels about things, then there’s nothing wrong with that. But at least now you know where both parties stand which makes moving forward much easier.

So go out there and enjoy life without obsessing over texts from guys who aren’t interested in talking more than once every few days.

Most people have been in a situation where they obsessively text a guy. It starts innocently enough with asking for advice or to hang out, but as soon as you hit send, the texts start coming faster and faster. And before you know it, you’re sending nonstop messages that are all about how much you want him to notice.

The problem is that while he might be happy to oblige your neediness at first, eventually he’ll get tired of being your texting buddy and will stop responding altogether.

Photo by Eugene Chystiakov on Unsplash

Here’s how to stop texting a guy obsessively so that both of your lives can return to normal.

1. Stop texting him for a day or two

If you’re finding it hard to break the habit, then take a day or two off from texting him. This will give you some time to reassess your behavior and figure out what’s driving your neediness. When you do eventually text him again, make sure that your messages are light and easy to read.

2. Avoid sending long messages

Another thing you should avoid when texting a guy is sending long, rambling messages. These can be hard to read and often come across as needy. If you find yourself writing paragraphs, then chances are you’re overdoing it. Try to stick to short, concise messages instead.

3. Take a step back

If you want to stop texting a guy obsessively, then you need to take a step back and reassess your relationship with him. Are you getting too emotionally attached? Are you looking for validation from him? If the answer is yes, then it’s time to rethink your relationship with him.

Photo by Lindsay Henwood on Unsplash

4. Check in with your friends

When you’re texting a guy obsessively, it’s easy to get caught up in the process and lose sight of what you’re doing. So to help remind yourself that you need to stop this behavior, ask your friends what they think. They’ll be able to give you an honest answer about why you need to stop.

5. Put your phone down

If all else fails, then the best way to stop texting a guy obsessively is to simply put your phone down. This will help you focus on other things and will eventually break the habit. And who knows, you might even discover that you’re spending less time obsessing over the guy and more time having fun with friends.

Types of texts that are often seen as “too much” by men

·…long texts asking if they want to hang out

·…texts sent in a short time, especially at night/early morning

·…complaining about something without giving the guy space to reply

·…texts that are demanding or pushy. This makes the guy stop texting you first.

·…texts that ask if they’d like to hang out with your friends/other girls instead of talking to only them (assuming you want a relationship) or not at all.

Photo by Gregory Hayes on Unsplash

Reasons Why Your Crush Won’t Respond to All Your Texts

The other day I was texting my crush and they stopped responding. I tried to call them but it went straight to voicemail. They didn’t respond for three days! When they finally responded, the reason they gave for not answering was so ridiculous that it made me laugh out loud.

It turns out that their phone died because the battery life isn’t really what you would hope for when your cell phone is almost a decade old. But don’t worry, if this happens to you, here are 7 reasons why your crush won’t respond to all of your texts:

1) Their phone is dead or dying — As mentioned earlier, this happened with my crush too and it’s a good thing we both had unlimited data plans from our carriers because I would’ve gone crazy if I didn’t know what was going on.

2) They’re out of town — This one is pretty self-explanatory, but if your crush is out of town for a few days and they don’t have service or their phone is lost/stolen, there’s not much you can do about it.

3) Their phone is broken — Another thing that happened to me and my crush. Just like the dead battery scenario, you’re at the mercy of your carrier if this happens because no one can do anything about it until they get back.

4) They’re busy- Don’t read into it too much if your crush doesn’t text you back right away. Chances are they’re just busy with work, school, or other activities and will get back to you when they have the chance.

5) They don’t have your number saved — This happens more often than you think, so if you’ve been trying to get in touch with your crush and they don’t answer, it’s not because they’re sending you some weird subliminal message.

6) They lost your number — Sometimes if you’ve given out your number to a bunch of people for whatever reason, it gets kind of confusing so your crush might not be ignoring you on purpose — they just don’t know how to contact you!

7) They responded but you haven’t seen it — It’s important to note that if your crush frequented your social media profile or even mentioned you in any way, they probably have seen all the texts you’ve sent them and responded. It’s just that you have not seen them.

The Bottom Line

Texting is hardly ever seen as overdoing it unless it’s used as a weapon. the reason for this is because people can’t see the other person’s facial expressions and tone of voice, so it’s easy to misconstrue what the texter is trying to say. If someone wanted to talk to you, they’d call you.

So, if you’re getting a lot of one-word responses, or no response at all, it might be time to take a step back and reconsider what you’re sending.

So there you have it. If you’re struggling to stop texting a guy obsessively, then these tips should help get you back on track. Just remember to take things slow and don’t rush things. Otherwise, you’ll only end up pushing him away. Good luck.

Have you had any nasty experience with texting a guy? Feel free to share your experience in the comments and the lessons you learnt.



Qasim Adam

Blogger, author, and freelancer. Top writer on Medium in Love, Life Lessons, Psychology, Parenting, and Relationships.