How to Be More Productive: 10 of the Best Life Lessons We Should Take from Bees

Qasim Adam
13 min readDec 25, 2021


Photo by Massimiliano Latella on Unsplash

Bees are some of the most industrious creatures on earth. They have an innate sense of what to do and where to go, without needing any instructions or training from humans. Bees understand how important it is for their hive to be healthy and thriving so they work tirelessly in service of this goal.

Bees are a crucial part of our world. They pollinate the flowers that feed us, help to create the air we breathe and provide materials for many luxury items. Bees also have an incredible life cycle in which they live in colonies with one queen bee who produces all of the eggs.

The world is a big place with many different cultures, customs, and traditions. And while it’s important to respect the differences of others, there are some universal lessons that we can all learn from one another.

Bees have taught us many life lessons over the years; they’ve shown us how caring for our environment is just as important as taking care of ourselves, how hard work pays off in the end, and even how to handle death.

The life of a bee is difficult. They are born, live, work and die in the span of just 6 weeks. But bees have taught us so much about how to live better lives.

In this post, I will cover 10 lessons we can learn from bees that you might find helpful for your own life or business ventures!

These ten life lessons can be learned by observing bees, a fascinating creature who has been around since before humanity began.

1. Know your strengths

Photo by Jakub Balon on Unsplash

All of the bees in the colony have different skills and talents but they know when it’s time to take on certain tasks based on their unique abilities.

Just like human beings, each bee has something that sets them apart from everyone else- whether it’s a strength, skill set, or personality trait- and they understand when it’s time to put this talent and expertise to work for the greater good of the collective.

Just like bees, each human being has a special energy that is suited for different tasks and roles in life. If you want to live a fulfilled, happy life, you have to know what your talents are so that you can apply them to the different situations that come up over time.

You must understand what your unique set of skills and abilities are so that you can make a positive difference in the world and add value where needed.

In order for the hive to thrive, each bee plays an important role. Bees have evolved to be efficient for their size, which enables them to produce lots of offspring in a small area with minimal investment in time or energy because they are specialized for gathering different types of food and feeding different members of the hive.

If bees were, all the same, they would never be able to sustain themselves and their hive would die out.

Just like honeybees, you have to put your unique talents and skills to work in service of the greater good at different times in life.

By waking up every day and doing what you are here on earth to do, you are helping yourself as well as everyone around you.

2. Teamwork is best for optimal productivity

Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

Bees are one of the most essential animals in our ecosystem. They pollinate crops and flowers, produce honey, and provide a natural form of pest control for many farms. Bees have also been used as an analogy to teach humans about teamwork and collaboration.

Humans have been around for thousands of years, and we’ve made a lot of progress. But there’s one area in which humans are lagging behind the rest of the animal kingdom: teamwork. Bees have evolved to be highly cooperative creatures who work together with an intense focus on task completion.

Humans often resort to competition, rivalry, and clique-ism when we grow up and start working on our own; this type of attitude can be a detriment in any workplace where collaboration is necessary for success.

When you remove judgment about who’s more deserving than the other, everyone will be able to take from the project what they need and want.

Just like a successful, happy family… teamwork makes the dream work!

Here are 5 powerful lessons we can learn from bees that will enhance your team’s performance:

a) A bee colony is composed of three different life stages (the queen, drones, worker bees). All members contribute to the success of the hive as they each have their own specific roles. The same concept should be applied at work — employees need to know what responsibilities are expected so that everyone can work together towards a common goal.

b) All members contribute equally — The queen bee lays all eggs and is responsible for child-rearing while male bees only perform mating rituals after collecting pollen or nectar from flowers. However, every bee contributes something important to the hive society by either working inside or outside it in some way and receives an equal share of food and honey.

c) Bees work together to achieve success as an entire group. No single bee can do what an entire hive can do — they’re all working together to get things done.

d) Bees don’t always agree with each other but they still manage to work together without conflict because they recognize that every member contributes something different that needs to be acknowledged in order for their society to thrive.

e) When it comes time for a new queen bee, the hive will select the most qualified queen through a series of mating flights to determine which bee’s egg fertilizes the most. If multiple queens are laying eggs, they will fight to the death for dominance.

This concept is closely related to the lesson on productivity. Even if you’re not working in a hive with thousands of other bees, you still need to contribute your own piece in order for the project at hand to be a success.

3. Bees care about each other’s well-being

Photo by Elaine Casap on Unsplash

Bees are fascinating creatures. They work together to build their hive, take care of each other and raise the next generation of bees in an organized manner. As a result, they have been able to survive for over 100 million years!

A bee colony is one of the most complex and organized societies on earth. Bees are born to work, they live for their job- which is to collect nectar and pollen from plants, convert it into honey and feed the colony.

The queen bee lays eggs while other bees clean the hive or scout for food sources outside of the hive. When a worker bee dies, she will be replaced by another young girl who was just born within a few days in order to maintain sustainability.

Here are 9 lessons humans can learn from how bees care for each other:

1) Be kind and helpful to your fellow human beings.

2) Build communities with people who share your values.

3) Create a safe space where everyone is accepted.

4) Bees share resources equally among community members. Bees share resources with others — they only take what they need.

5) Live in harmony with nature.

6) Bees work together — there is no “I” in bees.

7) Bees communicate with each other- without this skill, pollination would not happen.

8) Bees protect and nurture weaker members — all members contribute equally.

9) Bees never give up on one another — when things get tough, they come together to make it through.

4. Bees teach humans to be industrious

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

We all know the traditional meaning of industriousness: hardworking and diligent.

But how often do we stop to think about the many ways in which bees show us what it means to be industrious?

From pollinating crops and providing honey, to teach us that sometimes a little break is necessary for our own sanity, bees are always busy doing something.

Industriousness is an admirable quality in a person. It shows that someone has the drive and determination to push themselves beyond their limits for the sake of accomplishing something great. Bees have been around since before recorded history, so it’s no surprise that they’ve taught humans many lessons about being industrious over time. These ten traits are just some examples of what we can learn from bees:

A bee makes its own honey by flying from flower to flower collecting nectar. They will then store this sweet liquid in their stomachs and regurgitate it into a wax cell inside the hive where other bees feed on it and create honeycomb cells with hexagonal shapes (the shape of beehives).

What does this teach us?

Bees are a keystone species and they show humans what it means to be industrious. Bees are the most important pollinators of many flowering plants, including some fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Without bees working hard for flowers, there would be no food for us!

Bees also produce honey which is used in baking and as an ingredient in various dishes around the world. In addition to their economic importance to humans, bees provide a valuable service by controlling pests that attack crops such as aphids or other insects that may harm plants or trees.

5. Life could be short and meaningful

Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

A bee’s life is short but meaningful. They die after about 6 weeks from old age or disease. The average lifespan of a bee is two months, but some bees live as long as 6–7 months. Honeybees do not possess stingers. They die after stinging because their barbed stinger gets stuck in the victim’s skin and tears out of their abdomen.

Do not let your life go to waste. Each day of our life has a purpose, so do not let it pass by without living it to its fullest.

6. Work hard and be smart for what you want

Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

A bee’s life is all about hard work and smart work. Bees collect nectar from flowers and use it to make honey. Worker bees go out of the hive in search of water and nectar. The bee that finds food brings back a droplet to feed their hungry sisters back in the hive before she returns to look for more.

Everyone should work hard in life so they can get what they want. You can make it through anything by working hard. Work and intelligence are the keys to success in life.

7. Humans should work hard to make the world a better place

Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

Bees work hard to make the hive a better place for everyone. They collect nectar from flowers and pollen from plants, which they use to produce honey, their primary food source.

Bees can fly up to 15 miles in search of food sources and pollinate an area about three times larger than the size of Manhattan every day! We need them because they are responsible for producing one-third of our global food supply!

Bees are one of the most important creatures on Earth. They pollinate flowers, fruit trees, and other plants that help provide food for humans and animals alike. Bees also produce honey which can be used to make delicious foods like cookies or as a sweetener in tea and coffee.

Honey is also often used to treat wounds because it has natural healing properties. However, bees work hard outside of their hive too! In order to keep things running smoothly inside the hive where they live with all their friends, bees must work together during every stage of life — from birth until death — to create what we know today as the bee colony!

Bees are the most important creatures in a colony. They make honey, pollinate plants, and help to regulate the temperature of their hive. How do they do all this?

It’s simple really: bees work hard! The queen bee lays eggs that will hatch into more worker bees that can take care of basic needs like making honey or caring for the young ones.

It’s not easy being a bee. But it sure is rewarding when you see your hive thriving with life!

8. Be organized

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The bee society is a model for many different types of people. Apiarists, students, military leaders, kings and queens, parents, and entrepreneurs can all look to the bee society for organizational ideas.

Bees are able to produce honey that humans enjoy as well as pollinate plants in their environment. Their hive has been studied extensively by scientists looking to understand the inner workings of this complex social structure.

The queen bee governs every aspect of her colony including reproduction which helps with population control. Worker bees have specialized jobs like making wax or guarding the entrance at night while they sleep on a bed made from their own bodies called a pupa pod.

All workers share in taking care of baby bees until they reach adulthood when they will take on one of these specialized jobs.

The most important lesson learned from bee society is about being organized. A colony can’t survive if it’s not well-organized because everything relies on each other; one mistake will lead to disaster. Bees work hard to maintain their orderliness by communicating through dances called “waggles”.

Bees even have their own language which they use to communicate with each other! We can learn a lot about how to be organized by looking at this example in nature!

9. Take care of each other as sisters

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

Beekeepers are known to be some of the most devoted people, caring for their hives and monitoring them closely.

But what about the bees themselves?

They take care of each other as sisters, grooming one another when they get dirty or injured. Bees often groom themselves with a waxy substance called propolis that is found in plants and trees. The wax protects them from parasites and pathogens while also giving off a lovely smell!

These amazing creatures live together in harmony, working together to keep the hive safe from invaders like wasps or ants who might eat all their food or steal eggs.

It’s important for humans to learn more about these fascinating insects because if we don’t do something soon, there will not be any pollinators left on Earth!

Bees are very social creatures. They take care of each other as sisters and do all they can to help the colony survive. The queen bee is watched over constantly by her workers who feed her, groom her, and keep the hive clean for when she lays eggs.

When a new bee is born, it will spend its first few days being fed by worker bees before starting work in the hive itself. It’s not until after about three weeks that an individual bee starts collecting food from flowers on its own.

Bees have been around for millions of years, so we know that this system has worked well up until now!

10. Humans should prioritize tasks

Photo by XPS on Unsplash

In order to keep the hive functioning, worker bees must be able to prioritize tasks so that nothing is left undone. There are three main types of tasks in a honey bee colony: foraging, housekeeping, and guard duty.

These tasks are mostly carried out by female worker bees who can move freely throughout the colony while male drones stay within their individual cells until they die after mating with a queen. The females have evolved over time to be very efficient at completing these various duties which allow them to maintain a colony of thousands of individuals all without ever getting stung!

How do bees know what to do first and what to do next? How does a bee know when it’s time to stop working for the day? These are questions that have long fascinated scientists. It turns out, worker bees in a colony are able to prioritize tasks so that nothing gets left undone.”

A honey bee colony has three types of workers: nurse bees who care for the brood (eggs, larvae), housekeeping or cleaning bees who maintain cells within the nest, and forager or pollen-collecting worker bees. All three kinds of work are essential if the hive is healthy.

Foragers collect nectar from flowers then return with their load back home where they give it to other worker bees who turn it into honey


Bees have taught us many life lessons over the years. They’ve shown us how caring for our environment is just as important as taking care of ourselves, how hard work pays off in the end, and even how to handle death.

The lives of bees are difficult. But through their short existence, we can see that all living things need proper attention — not only towards themselves but also to others around them.

Bees show that it’s worth putting your heart into everything you do because every little bit counts at some point along your journey while hard work always brings its own rewards whether in small or big ways…and finally when faced with a certain demise there isn’t much left except finding peace.

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Qasim Adam

Blogger, author, and freelancer. Top writer on Medium in Love, Life Lessons, Psychology, Parenting, and Relationships.